Hip Pain

Hip pain does not have to become part of your life, and you do not have to “deal with it” as you age. A non-surgical solution is available for those not interested in going under the knife.

Hip injuries can be devastating. Some people rarely recover from such an injury and endure years of pain and limited mobility. Hip arthritis is a medical condition that can be the most detrimental to a person’s health. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), 512,000 people received total hip replacements in 2011, and osteoarthritis accounted for 80 percent. The CDC also projected that “by 2040, an estimated 78 million Americans ages 18 years or older are projected to have doctor-diagnosed arthritis” in some part of their body, including the hips (cdc.org, 2016).

Dealing with hip pain does not have to become a part of your life, and you do not have to “deal with it” as you age. A non-surgical solution is available for those not interested in going under the knife. Our therapy offers patients a non-surgical option to correct conditions such as arthritis, bursitis, and other degenerative hip joint problems and allow the body to heal itself naturally.

We Can Help:

  • Bursitis
  • Labral Tear
  • Hip Arthritis

At Natural Foundations Wellness & Aesthetics in Orange or Fredericksburg, our doctors understand the importance of a fast recovery, and this non-surgical procedure can improve symptoms, relieve pain, and help functionality return.

If you are suffering from any of these conditions or have not found a therapy that can provide pain relief, the doctors at Natural Foundations Wellness & Aesthetics in Orange or Fredericksburg may help you.

Call Today

Free Consultation

At Natural Foundations Wellness & Aesthetics, we are more than happy to discuss any hip pain treatments with you if you are interested. Please feel free to call for a private consultation at (540) 253-3800 today!