With the many uses that the hand and wrist have in our lives, it should be no surprise that the hand is the second most commonplace on the body (besides the knee), where osteoarthritis is more likely to develop.
The hand consists of 27 bones, and the wrist has eight bones that seem to be in constant motion throughout the day, which makes injuries to the hand or wrist easy to acquire. As people age, the ligaments in hand and wrists will naturally wear away, presenting problems for most people over 40 years old. Consequently, as the hand’s ligaments, bones, and muscles become weaker with age, tears and other injuries will become more prevalent. Age also presents further increased stiffness, pain, and deformity in the hand and wrist.
With age, wrist and hand pain may be attributed to arthritis, which may have developed in the hand or fingers. Arthritis in hand and fingers are prevalent conditions that can affect people of various ages compared to arthritis in larger joints. Also, injuries to hands and fingers are common among athletes. These conditions and injuries can have a massive impact on everyday activities.

We Can Help:
Concentrated Cellular Therapies and Visco-Supplement Injections May Be The Answer To Your Pain
Natural Foundations in Orange offers a possible solution for healing bone, ligament, tendon, and tissue injuries and conditions. By concentrating growth factors in cells and injecting them into the affected area in conjunction with therapies like Neuromed, laser, and PEMF, we are helping the body heal itself naturally. Patients who receive these therapies often experience little to no downtime after a procedure. We have helped patients with all sorts of hand and wrist conditions, and we understand how significant a role your hands play in your everyday lives. That is precisely why we want to help so that you can live a pain-free life.
With the many uses that the hand and wrist have in our lives, it should be no surprise that the hand is the second most commonplace on the body (besides the knee), where osteoarthritis is more likely to develop. However, hand and wrist injuries do not have to limit your activities in life. You CAN return to enjoying the daily activities you love without suffering from the pains and aches in the wrist and hand.